
What is your goal, to be “tolerant”?

Tell me what tolerance exactly is for I do not know a thing about it, just like 70% people out there screaming “Intolerance! Intolerance!” But what appears from the dictionary definition of this trending word is that it doesn’t serve its purpose for our “Aadarsh Bharat”.

Who said we aren’t tolerant? We’ve been tolerant since ages. We didn’t stand strong when we were tortured, we were tolerant and we still are. We stay still in a circle around an almost-dead body on the roads, we were tolerant and we still are. Come on, undeserving people ruled over us for 150+ years. We tolerated it and we still are.

Okay… I get it now. Your point isn’t that deep into society and politics and all. You just want the freedom to eat beef, roam around the streets at night and adapt to any religion you want; and you want people to tolerate it. Well, my friend, I have no problem in you doing those things, but let’s change that word already- “Tolerance.”

Tolerance means the ability to tolerate, even if you don’t like or believe in something. But boy, why tolerate? Why not “understand”?

Why not understand that it’s no one’s business to decide others’ diet except if they’re getting paid for it? Why not understand that my religion is not your religion and this parameter doesn’t change the fact that we’re both homo sapiens? Why not understand that you cannot have sex with someone without their consent, and not every girl out there serves the only purpose of cooking, doing dishes and giving you “that” thing?

People are in dire need of this education, because if we all “understand”, there would be no clashes between two communities or any rapes, no crappy leader would be able to spread hatred between any groups. Hell, if people start to understand and make sense of things, there won’t any leaders like these.

What I mean to say is let us all stop “tolerating” and begin to “understand” and “make sense”. This is just my opinion, you may keep it or throw it away; I understand.


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